Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Eve!

I'm back! Life just keeps taking over, it seems. Doctors and Christmas and family and boyfriend... Haha, it's a busy life. And cross stitch, of course! :D
Here are the Festive Word Ornaments, all finished and on our tree. I gave them to my mom for Christmas. :)

And here's Quoth the Raven, which I finished stitching on December 23, 2012 and gave to my brother (a huge Edgar Allen Poe fan) for Christmas. :)

And here's the Rhodes Tile from the October 2012 issue of Cross Stitch Collection. I changed the colors and fabric based on what I had lying around. It was really fun, learning a new stitch. :) I started this on December 15, 2012 and finished it on December 21, 2012.

And here's Santa's House, which I've hardly made any progress on.

I got some cross stitch goodies for Christmas, and one of them was this adorable stocking stuffer. I started Flowers in Purple Vase, a Bucilla kit, on Christmas Day. I just couldn't resist!

Aaaaand finally, here's my little bit of progress on Snowman and Friends. :)
I would go into lots of detail on my Christmas, but this post is quite long enough already. I'll just say, I got the complete novels of Jane Austen in this gorgeous box set. I love it!! I immediately started reading Northanger Abbey, and I am loving it thus far. :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

I'm back! With a slightly late TUSAL

Wow, it's been a while. I've hardly touched my laptop for almost two weeks... I blame my health and my self-imposed busyness. I have been going crazy in my room, organizing things and getting rid of things that seemed so important in high school and suddenly don't matter a bit. I even moved a bit of furniture around! I've had lots of appointments as well... even acupuncture! :o I've gotten some stitching done too, whilst listening to War and Peace. I absolutely love War and Peace and Anna Karenina. If I had to pick a favorite thus far, though, I'd definitely pick the latter. It's delicious.

Here's a late TUSAL update. :o I definitely would've posted it yesterday, but I was a bit nonfunctional. :/ 

It's more thread than it looks like, I promise.
And here's all of my 2012 ORTs!

I was a bit diverted from cross stitch by the discovering of this incomplete latch hook project in my closet, "Sunflower":

So, naturally, I immediately threw my energy into working on it:

Quite tragically, there was some manufacturing error and I ran out of both brown thread colors. However, the company was wonderful and yesterday I received this, for free, in the mail:

 The company shall no longer receive my wrath. :)

I've been working on Quoth the Raven quite a bit, since it needs to be finished and framed in time for Christmas. I love it. :)

I picked up Snowman and Friends for a bit, too.

I even started something new! How could I resist beginning Santa's House when I had the materials gathered? :) I love the pattern, I love stitching on linen, I just love it all. :D I'm thrilled to be stitching the entire series on this great big piece of linen!

Santa's Village: Santa's House
Began December 1, 2012

And I shall leave my fellow cross stitchers with a picture of my darling dog, who has taken over my bed since it was moved near the windows. :)