Thursday, February 19, 2015

February 2015 TUSAL

I hope y'all had a lovely Valentine's Day! Unfortunately, the love of my life attends college in Florida and my college is in North Carolina, so we didn't get to see each other. We did Skype for over three hours though. :) This week I finally had a bit of snow for the first time this winter! Just a tiny bit of snow, and like an inch of ice. I'm envious of those of you who are getting multiple feet of snow and get to stay home and stitch!

Here's my TUSAL jar with the month's ORTs! I've been working a lot on Bookworm Fairy - that's all the blue. I also had two small finishes - an old WIP and a quick bookmark for my little, Anna Catherine. This week is Big/Little week for my eating house (kind of like a sorority). I'm a sophomore, and I was paired with a freshman. All week I shower her with anonymous love and gifts, and then there's a big reveal on Friday night!

Anna Catherine's Bookmark
Started February 13, 2015
Finished February 18, 2015

Flowers in Purple Vase
Started December 25, 2012
Finished February 7, 2015

Bookworm Fairy Update
Started January 22, 2015

Happy stitching!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2015 Turtle Trot: February Post

Here's my progress on my Turtle Trot pieces! It's been a bit of a crazy month what with college and all. I always let myself have a stitch-a-thon on Friday nights though! I haven't worked much on these pieces this month - I have a start from the end of January that's been my main focus, Bookworm Fairy. I've also had pneumonia, which has been taking away from my stitching time.

1. Tardis 3D: None

2. Blushing Rose



3. Santa's Village: None (left it at home)

4. Dream: None (left it at home)

5. Love: Finished!



6. Sing



7. Favorite Pony: None

8. Everything is Possible: Some but the frog visited

9. Woodland Winter: None (left it at home)

10. Snowman and Friends: None

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2015 WIPocalypse: February Post

It's WIPocalypse time again! :) The topic for this month is: How do you overcome that feeling that you’re in a rut with a particular project? I don't have tons of experience with that, since I've only been stitching for a couple years, but so far just putting the project aside for a while has been all I need. After working on other projects for a while, I always get out of the rut and am eager to return to whatever project I've put aside.

Here are my progress pics for the month:

1. Honor Restored (new start)
I'm a little unsure of this piece right now. It's going to be absolutely huge, so I want to make sure I feel good about doing it 2 over 1 on 25 ct. evenweave, full cross stitches. This project was a gift fully kitted up, so I'm definitely using this fabric, and I prefer full X's, but I'm mulling over switching to 1 over 1. I want good coverage though. I'll get back to this piece once I'm more sure of it.

2. Love One Another

6. Margaret Sherry Christmas Mice (new starts)

7. Bookworm Fairy (new start)
This has been the piece I've really been working on. I'm so glad I chose 2 over 1 on 18 ct. Aida for this, it's a lot less stressful for someone like me who's only been stitching for a couple years. I'm on my 6th shade of blue - it's a good thing that's one of my favorite colors!