Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April IHSW

A bit late, but not too bad. I had kind of a crazy day yesterday. Anyway, I didn't take a before picture on Friday, so some of this progress was made during the course of last week. For example, I finished this piece midweek:

I also stitched the scarf and a lot of white (which doesn't show up so well) on Snowman and Friends during the week. On a whim I broke out this piece, which I haven't touched in a few months.

Happy stitching!

Friday, April 12, 2013

April TUSAL (and stuff)

I'm back from a nice long stay at Table Rock State Park in a tiny cabin with no cell reception or internet, and I feel so refreshed. I needed a break from the tomb of my room so desperately, and a break in the routine of medical leave. If I'm going to feel bad so often, it's nice to feel bad away from home every once in a while. :) Anyways, some pics!

First, here's my Dad's birthday gift
(well, the cross stitch part of it).

I started this on April 1, while I was on my family vacation. This is how far I am now! It's "Best Friends," from a Stoney Creek book, X Marks the Spot. I'm making it for Ashlyn, who's been one of my best friends since elementary school.

Here's this month's ORT report, along with some of this month's current reads. If you look closely, you can see three layers - the bottom one being Santa's House, the middle being Blushing Rose, and the top being Best Friends.

Here's all of this year's ORTs so far, in a new container! Pretty vase that came with some pretty flowers that my boyfriend once got me. :)

The view from the top of Table Rock. :)

This was the view from the little patio of our cabin. Can you believe this gorgeousness??

Well, I guess that's about it. Happy stitching!