Thursday, January 29, 2015

Bookworm Fairy: A New Start

Well, my terrible luck with illnesses has continued, but I have a new start!! I haven't had much time to work on it, as my main time comes on the weekends and last weekend I was laid low by pneumonia, from which I am still recovering. This weekend I'll be heading home to watch the Patriots play in the Super Bowl on my 21st birthday with my family! Only thing that could make the weekend better is if we win. :)

So I really shouldn't have, but I could not resist starting Bookworm Fairy, a Hannah Lynn Heaven and Earth Design. I have had the chart for a couple years but was too intimidated to start it before. I've decided to stitch it two over one on 18 count Aida. I used a Michael's gift card to partially kit it up over Christmas break. I'm still missing about 1/3 of the thread (including the color for that one stitch in the upper left corner), but I have enough to make a good start on this piece. I'm so excited to work on this piece! The colors are so lovely. :)

Bookworm Fairy
Started January 23, 2015

And here's what it will look like eventually:

Happy stitching!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 2015 TUSAL

Hey y'all! Just a quick TUSAL post with some ORTs that have accumulated since the last TUSAL check-in. At each New Moon I empty my jar of ORTs into my vase, which holds all of my ORTs ever (I started stitching in 2012 so it's not all that many yet).

So here are my ORTs for this month:

And here are all my ORTs ever, including this month's:

Happy stitching!

January 2015 IHSW

Hi y'all! I just finished my first week of the semester last week, and boy was it crazy! Between all the readings I had in Latin, ancient Greek, and English, and the papers I had to write, I didn't get any time to stitch. International Hermit and Stitch Weekend came just in time! Perfect excuse to just cozy up and stitch on Friday night. :) Although I'm crazy excited about my classes, I look forward immensely to any stitching time I can get! Anyway, here's my progress for the weekend:





Happy stitching!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

2015 Turtle Trot: January Post

Here are my ten pieces for the 2015 Turtle Trot, many of which are leftover from the 2013 Crazy January Challenge!

1. Tardis 3D, started sometime in 2013

2. Blushing Rose, started January 4, 2013

3. Santa's Village, started December 1, 2012

4. Dream, started January 13, 2013

5. Love, started sometime in 2013

6. Sing, started January 15, 2013

7. Favorite Pony, started January 8, 2013

 8. Everything is Possible, started January 12, 2013

9. Woodland Winter, started January 7, 2013

10. Snowman and Friends, started October 23, 2012

I actually did some work on Favorite Pony this week, starting on Monday. Here's where it was when I started:

Here it is at the end of Monday night:

And here it is at the end of Tuesday night: 

And at the end of Wednesday night:

End of Thursday night:

Oh, how I wish I could keep up this progress when I head back to college (which is happening tomorrow). Stitching is a rare treat at school, whereas at home I can settle down on the couch and watch seven hours straight of Lord of the Rings documentaries while stitching. Still, this was a good start to the Turtle Trot, and I'm feeling really inspired to get back to working on several of these pieces which haven't been touched since the Crazy January Challenge in 2013!

Happy stitching!

Monday, January 5, 2015

2015 WIPocalypse: January Post

Hi y'all! It's time for my first ever WIPocalypse post! My name is Katie. I'm a sophomore at Davidson College (in NC, USA) and I'll be 21 in less than a month. I'm a Classics major, and I love learning ancient languages. I also love reading, listening to audiobooks, and doing crafty things like cross stitch, knitting, and crochet. I have lots of WIPs on which I hope to make lots of progress this year, but mostly I'm hoping to have some finishes this year. I started stitching in August of 2012, and I've noticed now that I'm moving toward having too many projects going at once. I'd love to make progress on cutting some of those down! So here are some of the projects on which I'm hoping to make progress (excluding my ten for the Turtle Trot SAL):

1. Honor Restored (new start)

2. Love One Another

3. Flowers in Purple Vase (yeah, it's a little embarrassing that I sort of forgot about this one and never went back to finish it)

4. Shell Collection

5. Hummingbird Duo (only backstitching left, so hopefully I'll get around to that soon!)

6. Two Margaret Sherry Christmas mice (new starts)

And there shall probably be more added to the list as the year goes on!

Happy stitching!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Don't Go Bacon My Heart: Finished and Framed

I finally finished stitching and framed Don't Go Bacon My Heart yesterday (Saturday), and I gave it to my boyfriend, Ben, as a late Christmas present today (Sunday). It is technically still the season of Christmas in the church. This is my first finish in a year that I hope shall be full of finishes!

"Don't go bacon my heart"
By nerdylittlestitcher on Etsy
Started November 6, 2014
Finished January 3, 2015

I think he really liked it! :)

Happy stitching!